Optimize your health this July with practical tips & tools from NutriCheck—a nutritional consciousness campaign by the Food & Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) and MetaMetrics Laboratory.

#NutriCheckPH #MetaMetricsLab

Dry Skin and Falling Hair? You might be Vitamin D-ficient

Dry Skin and Falling Hair? You might be Vitamin D-ficient

Experiencing dry skin and falling hair at the same time can be really frustrating, especially when you have already tried every known cure. If you observe that you're losing more hair, or your skin is getting more dehydrated than usual, chances are you lack...

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Why Intense Muscle Cramps Is A Sign of Calcium Deficiency

Why Intense Muscle Cramps Is A Sign of Calcium Deficiency

There's nothing more irritating than waking up to muscle cramps in the middle of the night, especially if it gets intense and persistent. Cramps usually occur in the calf muscles, feet and thighs. In most cases, though harmless, the cause is unknown....

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Truth Behind The Myths About Vitamin C

Truth Behind The Myths About Vitamin C

We've all heard about Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, and all the confusing notions about it. For instance, it is believed that Vitamin C can cure colds, and that citrus fruits are its main source. These are just some of the many assumptions about this...

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Always Feeling Tired and Weak? You May Be Iron Deficient

Always Feeling Tired and Weak? You May Be Iron Deficient

Everyday is a daily ordeal to an average working adult. You wake up early, battle through heavy traffic, work 8 or more hours a day, go home extremely exhausted, and fall into your bed while pondering on the obligations you must face tomorrow — a...

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Truth Behind The Myths About Vitamin C

These Nutrient Deficiencies Can Cause Expensive Diseases

There are a lot of good investment options when it comes to building your wealth, but there is a truly important asset that many of us tend to overlook: good health – and it is probably the one with the best long-term return. Investing in your health...

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How You and Your Partner Can Stay In Shape Together

How You and Your Partner Can Stay In Shape Together

We are all familiar with the notion that happy couples tend to gain weight together. The usual suspects include eating out on dates, staying indoors and watching movies together, and most interestingly, being too comfortable with each other and no longer...

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