Vanadium regulates phosphate-dependent proteins. It plays a role in lowering glucose among people with type 2 diabetes.
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(Blood) 3 days prior: Avoid mineral supplements. If not possible, specify the list of mineral supplements the patient is taking.
(Urine) 3 Days Prior: Patient should discontinue all supplements containing minerals. If not possible, specify the list of medications and supplements the patient is taking. Limit water intake to a maximum of 2 liters only. Collect first morning void midstream clean catch urine. Female patients should not collect urine during a menstrual period.
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Clinical Information
Vanadium, a naturally occuring element, is present in all tissues. Its importance in lower life forms has been established but its essentiality for human survival remains to be established1.
Vanadium in the body is believed to regulate phosphate-dependent proteins3. Although the mechanism is not clear, there is some evidence that show it may have a role in lowering glucose among people with type 2 diabetes4.
Signs and Symptoms of Deficiency or Toxicity
Clinical deficiency states in humans are yet to be described1.
Potential adverse effects of exposure to high amounts of vanadium thru ingestion are nausea, mild diarrhea, and stomach cramps5. Vanadium poisoning through inhalation may lead to coughing, exertional dyspnea, headaches, palpitation, tremors of hands, hypertension, eye irritation, green tongue, and hepatomegaly6.
Supplementation Guide
No published guidelines for supplementation for the general public.
There are no established upper limits for vanadium for the Philippine population.
No scientific literature available for potential interactions.
Method: ICP
Specimen: Whole Blood
Analysis Day: Tueday, Wednesday & Thursday
Release: Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
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Food Sources
Excellent sources of vanadium are mushrooms, parsley, dill and black pepper. Other sources are seafoods and cereals. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and beverages contain little vanadium4.
(1) Smith D, Pickering RM, Lewith GT. A systematic review of vanadium oral supplements for gylcaemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. Q J Med 2008; 101:351-358.
(2) French RJ, Jones PJH. Role of vanadium in nutrition: Metabolism, essentiality and dietary considerations. Life Sciences 1992; 52:339-346.
(3) Rehder D. Perspectives for vanadium in health tissues. Future Medicinal Chemistry 2016; 8(3):325-328. doi: 10.4155/fmc.15.187.
(4) Mendelson S. (2008). Metabolic syndrome and psychiatric llness. Metabolic Syndrome and Psychiatric Illness. Massachusetts: Academic Press.
(5) Agency for Toxic Sunstances & Disease Registry. (September 2012). Toxic Substances Portal – Vanadium. Retrieved from
(6) Venkataraman BV, Sudha S. Asian Journal of Experimental Sciences 2005; 19(2):127-134
(7) Cesbron A, Saussereau E, Mahieu L, Couland I, Guerbet M, Goulle JP. Metallic profile of whole blood and plasma in a series of 106 healthy volunteers. Journal of Analytical Toxicology 2013; 37:401-405.
(8) Catalani S, Stea S, Beraudi A, Gilberti ME, Bordini B, Toni A, Apostoli P. Vanadium release in whole blood, serum and uine of patients implanted with titanium alloy hip prosthesis. Clinical Toxicology 2013; 51(7):550-556.